I'm Anh

About Me

I'm currently a 3rd-year student at University of Victoria, BC.
My major is Computer Science
with minor of Digital and Interactive Media in the Arts
Here are some facts about me:


I prefer the front-end rather than back-end languages.


I'm more emotional than rational even I'm CS student.


My very first dream job is graphic designer.


I love reading tarot cards (I'm a healer as well).


I'm an ISFP.

That's why I enjoy creating new things.

Coding Projects

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • Present
Python Cinema Booking Map Demo

My very first project when I started my Computer Science pathway. This one is the source code to ask the user to book the seating in the cinema seating map and save the data for the next booking user. However, I'm still learning Django and designing the seating map to create a better version and deliever it to the front-end site. To view the code: Click this Github site.

Wordpress Blog Website

My first project for HTML and CSS coding to beautifythe website without manipulating the back-end part. (Since at that moment, I was not having enough resource and knowledge to work as a full-stack developer. This blog website to update my new information for my favorite Kpop boyband EXO and for my fanpage with 20.000 followers on Facebook.
To view the Wordpress Website: Click this Wordpress site.

TASL Community

My first free-lancing job as a Web Developerfor TASL Community which is funded by Boeing Company from US. My duty was to maintain the website and update the courses by using front-end programming languages (HTML, CSS and JS). However, a lot of works from this website is still in progress and ha not published yet.
To view the TASL Website: Click this TASL site.